Sunday, December 28, 2008

I Have The Best Sister-In-Laws In The World!

Happy Sunday!

I have the best sister-in-laws in the world. I love every one of them! I could tell you a story about each and every one of them and you would love them to! :-) But at the moment I want to tell you about Toodie. Her name is Margaret but we all know her by Toodie. She is Bob's oldest sibling. For Christmas she gave us a beautiful, professional looking scrapbook of photos that she has been taking of us and saving all year long without our knowledge. Yep! She included all of the fat pictures to! I was not a happy camper but as long as she replaces those fat pictures with the skinny pictures we'll get along just fine. Ha! Ha! Ha! And if she doesn't, I have some pictures to show you to! :-) We'll talk real soon!

I hope the rest of your week-end is wonderful!!


Friday, December 26, 2008

The Day After Christmas

Happy Friday!

Well, another Christmas has come and gone. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We had a nice Christmas. We just stayed home and our oldest son Jeremy and his girlfriend Deena came over to visit. I cooked a prime rib and all the goodies to go with it. We all ate way to much! But I guess that's normal during the Christmas holidays. After the new year I'll be hitting the gym hard again! But until then I'm going to enjoy the leftovers. :-)

Here are a few pictures of my boys expressing their brotherly love.

Poor Deena is caught in the middle and she doesn't even know it!

Just like Kyle, I was the youngest so I always got the short end of the stick!

But it looks like my boy Kyle has a few tricks of his own up his sleeve for his big brother Jerm.

Well, I guess my boys made up and they really do love each other.

One last photo...

I think Deena is about to call it a night!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! If you have any Christmas pictures please forward them to me. I would love to see them and I would love to post them!


Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Friday!

Wooo! Hoooo! Friday is here!! I love the week-ends! We don't have much planned but just the fact that it is Friday is good enough! We're thinking about going to the swap meet tomorrow to look around and maybe find some last minute Christmas gifts but the weather right now is in question. Speaking of weather, did you see the snow storm Louisiana had? Wow! It was incredible!! When I was growing up in Louisiana I used to dream of a snow storm like they just got! Check out the pictures below. This is definitely a rare occurrence! My brother Larry sent these pictures to me. He works in Baton Rouge and these are some of the pictures he took.

Is that crazy or what? But from what I have read on the Drudge Report a rare "50 year Arctic Blast Sets Sights On Southern California." So we may be next. I'll keep you posted.

If any of you have any snow pictures or any kind or pictures, please send them to me and I would love to post them.

Have a wonderful Friday night!

One last thing. I love this Bon Jovi song with Sugarland. "Its My Life!" (I did it my way!) I hope you enjoy it also!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Wednesday!

I have got to show you two pictures! The first picture is amazing and the second picture will crack you up. I'm sure you all remember when you were little kids rubbing your feet on the carpet and shocking your friends at school or getting a balloon and rubbing it and then putting it to your hair and making your hair stick up. Well, have I got a picture for you! This is a picture of my beautiful niece Sarah. Yes, I am a little prejudice and I admit it. :-) But anyway on this day there was a lot of static electricity in the air. She was just being a happy little girl jumping on her trampoline. Check out the picture!

Now that is some serious static electricity!!!

Before I tell you about the next picture I need to brag a little bit about how much my other niece Laini looks just like me! Yep! My brother Larry will argue with you about it but I have baby pictures to prove it! When you see the picture don't get upset though. You don't have to call child protective services to report child abuse. I'll admit when I saw the picture for the first time I thought my little twin Laini had gotten a serious beating. I am so happy to report that is not the case. But she sure did have a lot of fun in Mom's makeup! She is her "Aunt Sharon" in training! :-)

I also want to let you know about a new feature that I am working on for my website. It is an eLayaway plan. Elayaway is Debt-FREE Credit Building at its Best! The eLayaway system allows you to buy the products that you want by paying for them through manageable monthly payments that you set. Our intuitive calculator allows you to break down your order’s purchase price over 3 to 13 monthly payments. ELayaway will automatically deduct the payments from your bank account and you will receive your order once it's paid in full.

I am so excited about this new plan! Right now it is still in the works but as soon as it is set up and running you will be the first to know!

Have a great evening!


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy Saturday!

I hope everyone is waking up to a beautiful Saturday morning! Its a little cool right now over here in Southern California but I'm sure its going to warm up pretty fast and turn out to be a beautiful day!

I did a lot of my Christmas shopping yesterday afternoon. I have a few more things to buy but I think I'm almost done. But I was wondering about something. I am a big time animal lover. I have two dogs, one bird and one bob tailed cat. If I had the time to give more animals more attention I would have more animals. Animals are so loving and I love them. But what I was wondering about is do you buy your animals the Christmas outfits. I haven't yet, but they are so cute and my son wants to buy one. What do you think? What kind do you buy for your pets? Maybe I'll add some pet lingerie to my site. Ha! If you have any pictures of your animals dressed up in Christmas outfits or any kind of outfit please send them to me. I would love to see them and post them!

Here are a few pictures of my animals:

This is my girl Mandy. She is a domesticated Australian Dingo. She is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever had. She is a high maintenance girl because she loves lots of attention. And check out those ears! :-)

This is my Happy-Go-Lucky Pomeranian dog named Shelby. He has a totally different personality than Mandy. He can be very temperamental and does not need any attention at all unless he is being deprived of his treats. But I still love that boy! Once a year when it starts getting warm I go and get him shaved with a lion cut. After seeing him all year long with long hair it is so funny to see him shaved. And every time I think he gets mad at me because I can't quit laughing at him. But its only because he looks so darn cute. Below is a picture of him and he's not that happy with me.

But all Shelby needs to get back on your good side is some good ole treats. He's happy now. Take a look at the next picture. He's not as mad anymore.

So I'm thinking about getting some Christmas doggie costumes. If any of my animals get an attitude it will be Shelby. Meanwhile please send me any photos you have of your animals dressed in Christmas outfits or any other outfits. I will be so happy to post them.

But before I close I wanted to let you know that I have just set up an account with a new lingerie supplier. This supplier specializes in leather lingerie. Please check back within the next week or two and hopefully by then I will have new leather lingerie posted on my site.

Have a wonderful Saturday!


Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Friday Everyone!

Can you believe it is less than three weeks before Christmas? Wow! Each year goes by faster and faster! How are you doing on your Christmas shopping? I just started this week and I'm hoping to have it all finished by the end of this week-end. That's the plan anyway. We don't even have the tree up yet either so maybe we can get that done tomorrow.

Have you checked out my site lately? I have added a lingerie quiz that I thought was pretty cool! Check it out and see how much you know about lingerie.

Check out the Christmas specials I have posted to. I am also giving away a pair of French cut pantyhose with every lingerie purchase.

And Gentlemen, now is the time to order that special item for your lady. If you need any help ordering or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be very happy to help you!

I hope you have a wonderful day!
